Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I forgot three!

I forgot three books I had also read from my shelves this past month. I did really well!
I also read The Surrogate by Judith Henry Wall, Desperate Pastors' Wives by Ginger Kolbaba and Cindy Scanlan, and Au Paris by Rachel Spencer.

I hope to keep the momentum next month. I do need to get to my backlogged review books from the websites, but it feels good to get to the tbr books also.


Happywife84 said...

You are doing GREAT! What are you doing with the books after you read them from your shelves?

Shannon P. said...

Hey Melissa I know you're fasting from the computer today, but I wanted to stop and say hello and think that you're doing a FABULOUS job with changing your life style and you are definitely a motivation for the rest of us.. God's doing some great work in you!