Friday, June 03, 2005

Quitting the diet...

We have decided to quit. I know, it's only 6 days, but four days was too many! We're back on Dr. much more realistic and allows a much better variety of foods. Tonight we're going out...yay! We havent' been out in awhile. We must, must find a babysitter. It is crucial that we can start going out again. Kimber is (fingers crossed) going to be away at school next year and we need a replacement. We're going out to a leisurely dinner. We were going to go see Cinderella Man or The Longest Yard, but we couldn't make it to the 7 pm show and there's no way I'm watching a three hour movie starting at 10.

I'm still reading Cover the Butter. I have got to finish it because I really need to read a couple more before the RT books.

Helped out in Logan's class today, had to take Grace since her school is over. It worked out fairly well, she was able to do most of the work and things with them.

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