Friday, March 14, 2008

Life Lately

Women's retreat went fairly well, but it was very high stress for me. I was supposed to have a co-director, but her life fell apart midyear and I ended up doing the great majority of it by myself. And you know how two or three complaints can just drown out 50 compliments? That is what happened to me. Besides feeling completely exhausted due to all of the work I put into the retreat, as well as that dumb time change, the couple of rudely worded complaints I got just made me cry. It's not like I get paid for doing this! I wish that people could see what type of work goes into putting on this massive event and think a bit before offering up their opinion.

Enough of that. I have a new DVD review posted:
Margot at the Wedding

Have had both kids sick this week (although not at the same time fortunately) and Grace is home from school today. I am getting a lot done around the house, so I guess it's a good things for me to have to slow down and stay home every once in awhile.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I'm sorry people complained about the retreat! How awful! Just think of all the many people who enjoyed all the work you put in, and ignore the couple of people who couldn't see that.