Monday, October 27, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway #3 Relationship Book Pack

This giveaway is for two books that can help your relationships, especially your marriage.

The Man Whisperer by Rick Johnson:

What woman hasn't taken a look at her man and decided he could use some improvement? There are some things we can change and some things we can't. Rick Johnson helps women identify the strengths in their men and the things that hold them back. He shows women how they can use their considerable influence in positive ways--without nagging or laying on the guilt trips. A man whisperer is a woman who can use her subtle powers of persuasion to help her man become his very best. With humor and plainspoken common sense, Johnson helps women deal creatively with those annoying little habits while focusing on building his strong points. He also shows women why some tactics just don't work. Any woman who wants her marriage to be stronger will benefit from this enlightening book.

Pray Big for Your Marriage by Will Davis

Marriage is one of the most important relationships in a person's life--and one that benefits tremendously from prayer. Will Davis has taught people how to pray big for even the little things in life. Now he turns his straightforward and practical communication style to the marriage relationship. In Pray Big for Your Marriage Davis helps readers combine God's teachings on marriage with his promises on prayer. He shows men and women how to pray specific, pinpoint prayers for their spouses. Complete with a month-long prayer plan, Pray Big for Your Marriage teaches readers how to pray for • emotional and spiritual intimacy • the spiritual growth of a spouse • purpose in marriage • protection from temptation • and much more Pray Big for Your Marriage is for all couples--those trying to save their marriage, enjoying marital bliss, or getting married soon

This giveaway is now closed.

Have fun, and be sure to enter the other giveaways at The Bloggy Giveaways Carnival


Unknown said...

Great Blog. I don't usually read blogs, but yours is great. As far as the best tip for relationships is an old one but very important. it is that you never go to bed angry, always work through the differences before falling asleep. Thank You so much,
Cindy c.iamblessedAtgmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

My favorite piece of advice I was given at a bridal shower was to live each day as if it were your last together. It was given by a widow and has stuck with me.

Anonymous said...

Whoops. I'm sorry. I forgot to put my email address in the text of the comment. :)

lizzykristine AT yahoo DOT com

It is very visible on my blog, but since you specifically said in the text of the comment, here it is! :)

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Say "I love you" often. Always kiss each other hello and good-bye. Go on dates, even if those "dates" are a dvd and dinner after the kids are in bed.

Terrific giveaway. Thanks!

Dee said...

Oh these would be wonderful!

My tip is dont go to bed mad..if you're just going to wake up angry again!

409cope said...

Always treat each other with respect. My husband and I have been doing this for 26 years now.

Jennifer said...

Great giveaway! I am always searching for good books to read and never know where to start!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said...

One tip is to Bite Your Tongue. Pause and think before you react to your spouse or anyone, really. So you don't say anything in anger or frustration that you'll regret.

jeanne at jeannewinters dot com

Bebemiqui said...

Keep Him in the mix!

Chantelle said...

I absolutely have to say that communication is EVERYTHING. dont keep secrets :) Awesome Giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win! :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Spend time together, find things you both love to do and do them!

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

Never go to bed angry!
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Communication is the key. This why there are so many failed relationships and marriages today, because of the lack of communication. You just gotta open up. :)

lilacbutterfly [at]

Huguette En said...

Great prize!

Tip: Make time for each other and have date nights.

Huguette En said...

Subscribed by email

Unknown said...

Never give up on the same day! lanieintx at comcast dot net
Thanks for the chance to win!

rebecca said...

Wow. My tip would be to not open your mouth until you've thought about what you're going to say. Don't even act like you were going to say something, and then stop... It always makes the other person wonder... I am still working on this one!

gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

These books look great!

NEVER go to bed angry. Ever. No matter what.

Thanks for the contest! chappyandalexa [at] earthlink [dot] net

Anonymous said...

That second title cracks me up! My best tip is let the Lord be the most important person in each of your lives.


say I love you everyday to everyone that matters and even if you get mad at the spouse- and are really tempted don't pop the exlax in his brownies count me in...thanks...mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

Mrs. McB said...

Great giveaway.

Tip-Listen to each other.

momofmhasr said...

about evrything, sometimes it is the small things that get out of control.

Anonymous said...

communication and trust is a important
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

sweetsue said...

I think it is important to let your significant other know how much you admire them-give lots of compliments!

smchester at gmail dot com

frugallm said...

plan a date night where you don't talk about work or the kids!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Don't expect your spouse to be a mind reader and then get mad when he doesn't know what you're thinking. If something is on your mind, share.

Great giveaway! I'm already a subscriber to your blog.

bunkielisa (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Anonymous said...

My best advice is to communicate-every day! Monica

HeatherLow said...

Laugh a lot in your marriage...very important!!

Crayl said...

We've had a hard few years, I am looking for exactly what that whisperer book is offering. Tip? "This too shall pass"..:) We try to have alone time and time to laugh, it eases the hard stuff.

Betsy said...

These books look good.

betskev at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

Keep date nights going, even after marriage, after kids. :-) Thanks!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

hmmm, take time to cuddle, even in front of kids :) they need to know mommy and daddy love each other too

Unknown said...

My best advice: never take anything for granted. You may think your husband understands what you are talking about, in reality he's out in left field!

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

the best advice I was ever given was "it doesn't matter what HE does, you can only control how YOU react"

turns out not everything in the universe was his fault ... who knew?

Anonymous said...

My best tip is to listen to other...Not just in passing but sit down together and talk.

Julie said...

My tip: try to make time just for the 2 of you. When the kids are gone, he's going to be the only one left.

Critter said...

My best tip is to notice the little things in the everyday that your husband does for you, and let him know that you noticed and appreciatted it.

kamewh said...

Listen to each other!

Thank you for the great giveaway!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I could really use this in my house!
The best piece of advice that I have learned is to watch what u say when in an aegument. Don't say things like calling someone a bad name, attacking their past or choices they have made. Those are horrible things to say!

Pricousins at aol dot com

Katrina said...

I know it is a popular one, but don't go to bed angry, and listen to each other! I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

crystal said...

If you pray together, it's very hard to hold a grudge & let a wedge come between you. It's hard to pray with someone you are mad at. You don't stay mad long!
ericbrooks75 AT yahoo DOT com

Ashley Wells said...

WOW! This is a great giveaway! I hope I win!

I've got several tips:
Kiss and Hug Daily
Go on dates regularly
Read a marriage book together once a year

Thanks for the great giveaway!


aahcoffee said...

Best advice....just keep on keeping on!
julie_ruhlman at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Never leave each other having issued harsh words as the last statement. Going to bed angry doesn't bother me because I sleep fine and usually wake up with a better perspective on things anyhow but I never want us to leave the same physical location having just said something mean or hurtful. One never knows if it's the last time you'll be together. Resolve it or at least say I love you before leaving.

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed.

Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

i'm currently reading "women who love too much." i'm *trying* to learn how to have a two-sided relationship. i seem to find myself always the giver. these books would come in handy for me!!

hugs, she

CanCan said...

I think "don't live parallel lives" is key. The longer you are married I think it gets easier to just "do your own thing" without involving your spouse.

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

avalonne83 said...

This is the only tip I can give: never build up a wall between you and the other person (otherwise problems will grow bigger and bigger).

avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

darbyscloset said...

My tip is to choose you battles wisely.....ask your self before you make that comment, is this something you really want to fight over?
Thanks and the books look awesome!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Great books. One of the best things we've done in our marriage is every day when he gets home, we race to see who can sit on our bed first. Then we snuggle and talk about her day before the kids invade. It's a great way to connect for a few minutes every day plus help him transition to home life. :)


Angela @ Nine More Months said...

My tip is to compromise! My husband and I both sometimes enjoy doing different things, and don't always agree, but we compromise and those little differences don't mean much. Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)

Amy said...

I always tell people to marry their best friend. It definitely has worked for me!

Josie said...

My tip is to always say I Love You before you do something apart from your spouse.

Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

That Man Whisperer sounds like a great book.

Never have the same fight twice. Once it is over and done with do not bring it up again. If you feel like you want to, you did not finish the conflict the first time.

Thanks for having the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I think laughter is an important part of any relationship. Being able to share a good chuckle strengthens a bond, I think :-)

greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Ohhhh I would SO love these books!

My tip: Never start a serious conversation after 10pm, when you're brain and bodies are tired it's easier to let a conversation turn into a fight. Just wait until the next day if at all possible.

Anonymous said...

These books are great! My advice.... never leave without saying I love you!

daniwilliams30 At gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

My best advice? Never get defensive when you are trying to work out issues with your spouse, because it does nothing but hinder communication. Be willing to admit that you're not perfect either, and you'll go a lot further.

Thank you for doing this!

Little's said...

Say "I love you" everyday and mean never know when it will be your last chance.

Anonymous said...

I Love your blog. I subscribed.
My tip: Something that has really helped our marriage was going to see `Fireproof` together. God used it to really change our thoughts on things.
We are both more willing & ready to forgive the other & to help each other be who God made them to be.
Please enter me in the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

DH and I always have a weekly date. This keeps us focused on one another in a fun way no matter what else is going on.

I'd love to read these books!!!


Heather said...

Would LOVE to read these. Hum...relationship tip. We have been reading books to grow in our faith together. It really helps to open discussion between us and makes us hang out together after kiddos go to bed instead of staring at the TV all night! Has been great for our marriage. And more recent I've learned it is best to let go of the little things that bug me and just bless him as much as I can. We are both so much happier now! Thanks for the give a way!

Tobye said...

A tip? Hmmm. I guess that my tip is don't expect it to be easy. It's not, its something you have to work at every day.

Jinxy and Me said...

Simple - be patient. Thanks for the giveaway!