I am giving away three Christian Christmas themed books.
All I Have to Give by Melody Carlson:
Anna and Michael have been trying for years without success to have a baby. Now in her late thirties, Anna has given up on the hope of motherhood after heartbreaking miscarriages and shattered dreams. As Christmas nears, she has to consider the possibility that it might be time to empty out the nursery and convert it to a guest room. Amidst her heartache, Anna secretly struggles with strange health problems that have her very worried. But, as often happens at Christmastime, there are miracles in store for Anna and Michael. As each tries to give the other the perfect Christmas gift the magic of Christmas is working its way into their lives. And what each of them unwraps for Christmas will surprise everyone.
One Perfect Day by Lauraine Snelling
This is the story of two mothers, strangers to one another. The first has two children--twins, a boy and girl, who are seniors in high school. She wants their last Christmas as a family living in the same home to be perfect, but her husband is delayed returning from a business trip abroad. And then there's an accident--a fatal one involving a drunk driver.Meanwhile, the other mother has a daughter who needs a new heart, and so the loss of one woman becomes the miracle the other has desperately prayed for. While one mother grieves, and pulls away from her family, the other finds that even miracles aren't always easy to receive.
One Perfect Gift by Kathleen Morgan
Jessica Ashmore has brought her young daughter to the Colorado high plains in the winter of 1933. A penniless widow, Jessica is hoping for employment as an office nurse. Though the job she wants is no longer available, she is grateful to at least be offered a temporary position taking care of stroke victim Abby MacKay at Culdee Creek Ranch. Abby's son Sean, an embittered WWI veteran who many view as a coward and deserter, is none-too-pleased with the arrangement--and he doesn't hide it very well. But Christmas is a time of love and forgiveness, and their antagonism starts to give way to far deeper feelings. Can Sean and Jessica ever hope for a life together? Will they be able to find that one perfect gift?
This giveaway is now closed.
Have fun, and be sure to enter the other giveaways at The Bloggy Giveaways Carnival
What a lovely giveaway!
Our family makes homemade sticky buns every year for Christmas morning. The only present opening before the stick buns come out of the oven are the stockings. :)
These sound like wonderful books.
Our family goes to the midnight Christmas Eve service, and then we all go to my Mom's for hot cocoa and cookies after the service. Everyone gets to open one gift that night. Then we all head home to our beds for the next morning. It is such a fun, peaceful time.
Email addy is gsgodkid at cfl dot rr dot com
I LOVE all things christmas!
On christmas eve, we fondue, go to our christmas eve candlelight service, then go look at christmas lights!
OOOOhhhh pick me pick me!! :):)
We don't really have "traditions" except that we always open one present Christmas eve. This year will start our going to church Christmas eve, something we've never done but now that we're saved, I definitely want to go.I tried to subscribe to your blog, but i'm not sure it worked.My main email is lhmosca@gbis.com
A Christmas tradition that my husband and I started with our kids is to make a chocolate chip coffee cake and on Christmas morning we take time out of present opening and remember the real meaning of Christmas and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!
Those books look wonderful. We have a gingerbread house making contest at our house every year lol. It started out as a harmless family get together but ended up being a contest between my husband and I. I blog about this Christmas I'm sure lol.
Thank you for your giveaway.
our tradition was always trimming the tree together. one of the boys put it together and then we all hung the ornaments. now though, they all have their own families, so hubby and i trim the tree together.
Neat giveaway!
Our family tradition is we have homemade waffles on Christmas morning. My grandma always made them, but now my dad makes them since she has passed.
Enter me, please!
our fav tradition is reading the christmas story from the bible and acting it out :)
my dd would love these!
Terrific giveaway. I collect Christmas books, and we read Christmas stories every day during the holidays.
GREAT giveaway!! A tradition we have is to eat soup on Christmas Eve. It's always been this way, I don't know why or who started it, but I know it will always be!
Christmas books! Yeah.
Oops forgot to add a tradition. We eat homemade sticky buns on Christmas morning before opening presents.
We go to the Christmas Eve Mass and then out to dinner. We love Christmas!
We make a Happy Birthday Jesus cake and sing happy birthday to him. Thansk for entering my name.
I also want to enter your contest
Meaghan Edelstein
My christmas tradition was getting up at the crack of dawn and sneaking out, with my little sister, to look at all the presents under the tree.
Christmas was so magical as a kid, i definitely miss that!
My extended family gets together on Christmas evening for dinner then we love to play men vs women in trivial pursuit
We drive around together and look at Christmas decorations. We are also going to start a tradition of caroling in neighborhoods this year! I love this giveaway and hope I win!
Oh, these sound good. It'd be so nice to read something light and inspirational for Christmas.
One of our traditions is Christmas Eve candlelight church service. I love it. Then goodies at home while we open some of the presents around the fireplace.
jeanne at jeannewinters dot com
great giveaway! we usually give nighties/pajamas on christmas eve for pix the next day!
Ahhh, Christmas! Can't wait! One of my favorite Christmas traditions is going caroling with my family. Sometimes others join in, but it doesn't matter to me whether they do or not...I enjoy spending that time with my family raising our voices to praise Our Saviour and herald His birth!
Our Christmas tradition is having our big meal Christmas eve, and then having a big breakfast, and then eating lots of leftovers & relaxing the rest of Christmas Day.
We had lots of traditions growing up ,but one that I liked is that my mom would let me pick out a new Christmas ornament every year and now when I visit my parents I love to see the ornaments from over the years- there are a lot of memories with each one :)
ecomamaslife at gmail dot com
Great giveaway! Love these books! Don't have any of them...yet ;O)
My entire blog is about traditions and we have so many Christmas ones...I think my favorite is the Christmas Eve. We make our cookies for Santa and hot cocoa. Each kid gets to open a gift and it's always new PJ's....and slippers...and cute stuffed animal. Then we read the Christmas story out of the Bible. We finally have all our kids old enough so i think this year we'll let them "act out" the scene....we'll see how that goes. Thanks for dropping by my blog!!!!
forgot my email...
tarabrown at cherishbound dot com
We open one present on Christmas Eve and it is always new jammies for my kids to wear. They wake up on Christmas morning in new, cute jammie.
Our Christmas tradition is for everyone to open up one gift on Christmas Eve to keep the little ones from getting too anxious.
We have fish and pierogies on Christmas eve and open one gift, then go to midnight mass. It's really special.
I'd love to win these for my mom, who enjoys reading Christmas books (and watching Lifetime Christmas movies). Thank you!
Christmas cookies..hundreds of them...all different ones. Everyone helps!
i subscribe
We watch A christmas story. It is the funniest movie ever.
These sound like wonderful books. When I was young we would get new pajamas and slippers every Christmas Eve. We'd have a bath and come downstairs in our new pj's and have some crisps (chips) and pop (soda) and watch whatever was on tv that night. We'd then hang our stockings up (which were actually my Dad's 'real' socks) before going to bed. I'm from England and we didn't have much money when I was young, but my parents made Christmas SO SO special. I have many happy memories and lots of traditions that I'm trying to keep with my daughter now (I live in Texas now). :-)
These sound like wonderful books. When I was young we would get new pajamas and slippers every Christmas Eve. We'd have a bath and come downstairs in our new pj's and have some crisps (chips) and pop (soda) and watch whatever was on tv that night. We'd then hang our stockings up (which were actually my Dad's 'real' socks) before going to bed. I'm from England and we didn't have much money when I was young, but my parents made Christmas SO SO special. I have many happy memories and lots of traditions that I'm trying to keep with my daughter now (I live in Texas now). :-)
Oops I forgot to put my email addy, so I'm posting this again as you will delete the other one - sorry!
My favorite tradition is going christmas caroling at the nursing homes, and of course making christmas cookies and decorating the tree, and on chistmas eve reading the night before christmas!
We watch Christmas Vacation - we love that movie!
A Christmas tradition we have is hosting a party for the local college students. It is always lots of fun and the kids look forward to it each year. stonefox@pobox.com
Our Christmas tradition is spending the holidays with our families.
Our tradition is taking a ride around on Christmas eve or the day before and look at Christmas lights and drink hot chocolate.
What fun!
I grew up as a missionary kid in South America, and one tradition we had was that every Christmas Eve we would open a gift from our Aunt from Texas. It was always whatever the latest Disney movie had been that year, and we'd pop it into the VCR and watch it all together.
With my kids I buy everyone in the family a pair of Christmas pjs, and we open them Christmas Eve and wear them to bed that night.
every christmas eve we read christmas stories (including that of the Christ child) and sip cocoa. love it.
We have a little vintage elf named Elfie. He hides each night with a small treat for all of the good kids in the house. He comes out at Thanksgiving and leaves with Santa on Christmas Eve night.
hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com
We love making homemade Christmas Ornaments...thanks! I hope to win!
cross_home2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My mom and I always bake cookies and wrap gifts on Christmas Eve.
MrsCarissaMcB at gmail dot com
every year my mom makes Gingerbread men cookies and reads the story to my kids!
stampedwithgrace at cox dot net
subscriber :)
stampedwithgrace at cox dot net
Baking, baking, and more baking for the peeps at my hubby's work!
Every year my family and I go around in our car (usually on Christmas Eve) and look at all the homes that are decorated. We award prizes (make believe) for the "Most Beautiful" display, "The Weirdest" display, "The Cutests" display and so forth.
Thanks for a great giveaway! These look like wondreful books!!!
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
It is fun reading other people's traditions! We make homemade raviolis as a family and eat them for our Christmas dinner, we also have a antipasti platter and apple cake as a birthday cake for Jesus.
One of our traditions is to pick a Saturday evening close to Christmas and take a ride to see everyone's Christmas lights and decorations while listening to Christmas cd's. (Email can be found through my profile.)
This sounds great!
Our family goes and sings Christmas carols to shut-ins and church members during the Christmas season.
My email is writer underscore weaver at yahoo dot com
we always make decorating the christmas tree a family affair
katelynthames AT yahoo DOT com
We do a pickle hunt on Christmas Eve!!! Thanks for the giveaway...I'd love to win!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
Annnd I already subscribe to your blog, does that count? Thanks again...
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
We have a big night of bingo on Christmas night with all the cousins and family.
We all gather at my parents and cook dinner together.
I would love to win this one!
Our family takes a whole day early in December that we call "Tree Day" and we all go out to lunch and then to pick out a real tree for Christmas. We spend the rest of the day and evening decorating the tree, accompanied by special Christmas snacks, music and movies.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I love all things Christmas!! I am all about traditions too, one that the boys love and talk about each year is that they only open one present on Christmas eve. It is always new pj's (sometimes matching if I can find them) and then they get in their new jammies I put cocoa in a thermos and we go drive around and look at Christmas lights. :-)
Angie Howatt
57 days
10 hours and 13 minutes until Christmas- but who's counting!?
I love all things Christmas!! I am all about traditions too, one that the boys love and talk about each year is that they only open one present on Christmas eve. It is always new pj's (sometimes matching if I can find them) and then they get in their new jammies I put cocoa in a thermos and we go drive around and look at Christmas lights. :-)
Angie Howatt
57 days
10 hours and 11 minutes until Christmas- but who's counting!?
as just looking at one of these the other day and couldn't get it.
We don't have traditions as such, just try to bring Christ into christmas as much as possible.
Christmas is my favorite holiday.
I look forward to it every year. One family tradition that we all look forward to is decorating the house and the christmas tree. We put on our favorite christmas music and pull out all the decorations and then spend time talking about each decoration. Even the stories that we tell each year about the decorations never get old :)
We go to a local charity fundraiser to look at rooms at decorated trees and wreathes. Its a fun day with the family and usually the first holiday event to kick-off the season for our family.
My family's Christmas tradition is getting up at 1am and unwrapping gifts. On Christmas day we go over to my moms house and then my mother inlaws house.
We always wear matching pajamas and watch Christmas movies on Christmas Eve.
One of our Christmas traditions is to make lefse (a Norweigan flatbread) together, a few days ahead of time, to be served with Christmas dinner.
michelle at northofthe49.com
A Christmas tradition in our family is going to the candlelight service on Christmas Eve. Silent Night in candlelight gives me goosebumps every time!! Then we come home and watch a Christmas movie.
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
What an awesome giveaway! I am always looking for books as I lead a couple of book clubs in my area.
My favorite Christmas tradition is just being with family, but a few years ago my mom created Christmas Olympics. You can read about it on my blog under "Holidays".
Thanks for the great giveaway!
When I was very little my mom made me a stocking that was bigger than I was! Now my kids and husband also have personalized ones that she made especially for them.
Thanks for the great giveaways. I could go for a good Christmas story now that the weather is getting colder. I saw a few snowflakes today!
jgbeads AT gmail DOT com
Our Christmas tradition (one of many) is to decorate the tree the day after Thanksgiving -- we put on Christmas music, break out the eggnog and go through all the memories connected to the various ornaments :-)
What great book! My mom, sister, and I all try to get together every year to make Christmas cookies. My favorite are cut out cookies that we get to decorate with frosting and sprinkles. I am going to try to get my 2 year old son to help this year, it should be very interesting!
We watch Christmas Vacation and It's a Wonderful Life.
Thanks for the giveaway.
On christmas eve, go to church together
watch movies with hot cocia
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
Our Christmas tradition is making Christmas cookies together!
sundaygirl at gmail dot com
My mom and I make Christmas puzzles for each other and put them into a booklet and then swap so we have christmas puzzles to do that are lovinlgy made.
callista83 AT cogeco DOT ca
Our family makes Lefse (a Norweigan flat bread made from potatoes) every year. It is always something to look forward to.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
Please enter me for this wonderful giveaway! Thanks
Thanks for a chance to win these wonderful Christmas books! One tradition our family has is the candlelight Christmas Eve service
at our church. It is so magical.
Please enter me in your drawing.
Many thanks.....Cindi
having a birthday cake for Jesus would love to win...looks great, please enter me...mrs.mommyyatgmail.com
On Christmas Eve when we are with our whole family aunts, uncles, etc before opening presents we put our pajamas's on. FlipFlopsChels@msn.com
The Sunday before Christmas my church always has it's children's Christmas play. Afterwards we have food and exchange gifts. It's so much fun to see the children's program (especially after helping with it) and then spending time with my 2nd family.
We really don't have any special traditions except for spending time together as a family and cherishing every moment. :)
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
my xmas tradition is getting together with all my relatives from around the world :)
nina.rockz at gmail dot com
We don't have any traditions yet, but I do love holiday shopping. My favorite part of Christmas is browsing the mall.
On Christmas Eve we always make gingerbread houses together. We just love doing that and then on Christmas the kids can eat them if they'd like.
I'm subscribed too.
We put up our tree Thanksgiving night.So we can enjoy it longer. monk5@charter.net
We watch a Christmas Story over and over on Christmas Eve.
After we put the kids to bed on Christmas eve, my husband and I open one gift each that we bought for each other.
I love books and these sound great. One of our traditions sounds corny, but the kids like it. Every year we name our 'Real' tree... Toby, and every year it gets a number added to it. This year it will be Toby 6!!
Thank you for a great give away.
We go to church on Christmas Eve and then come home and eat a bunch of goodies and open the presents from each other.
Every year since I was a little girl, we celebrate on Christmas Eve at my parents house and exchange presents with my brothers and sister (and now our kids). So much fun! Thank you so much for doing this giveaway for us!
We act out the nativity with our nativity hand puppets.
We make angel ornaments for pets that have passed away in the family. We also get together as a family and make a gingerbread house (all from scratch) every year. How fantastic! Thank you for this giveaway; I hope I win :)
eyeslikesugar (at) gmail (dot) com
our christmas tradition is going to look at all the christmas lights christmas eve.
My husband used to be a Special Olympics coach. There were two kids that he took a liking to and we have been taking them each year on a Christmas Light Tour of the neighborhood. This has been going on for over 10 years and these "kids" are now 40 years old.
They pile into the car with my own kids, make a stop at Starbucks for hot chocolate and then head out. It's always a fun night.
I would love to win these books. I just love Christmas.
We always go the the 11 o'clock Christmas Eve services, even if we have to walk because of the snow.
djecse at yahoo dot com
We always have pizza on Christmas eve.
we have a tradition of homemade egg mcmuffins midway thru presents! please throw my name in the hat for this great giveaway! good luck to all and if you have a chance, check out my giveaway over at the lost world!
A Christmas tradition in my family, eh? Nothing special I think -- we just have a big big lunch with aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents and eat some typical Italian food.
avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it
A Christmas tradition in our family is to go together and look at light displays and then return to hot cocoa or eggnog by the tree while listening to Chrismas music.
One of my family's Christmas traditions is to have Christmas Morning Rolls (Monkey Bread) on Christmas morning! Makes breakfast easy because you make it the night before!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
Oh yes, I'd love to have these 3 books!!!!! Dang, I should let you make out my tbr wish list!!!
A Christmas tradition in my family is each year my mom wraps a little something for each of us and tucks it inside the tree, close to the tree itself. Then we all gather again to take the tree down and our treat for handling that major task is the tree gift! Since I've been married I have continued with this tradition plus I always leave a gift for Jesus under the tree.
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
Two of my favorite things combined, Christmas and reading, = heaven.
Our family likes to trek out to the Christmas tree farms and cut down our own tree.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to read these books!!
One of our Christmas traditions is cookies for breakfast while we open presents
parresia03 (at) gmail (dot) com
We love to open Christmas jammies on Christmas eve!
I am subscribed!!
parresia03 (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh - these look wonderful for reading while snuggled under a warm blanket. :)
Every Christmas Eve, the kids get to open one gift which they know will be a new pair of pajamas. :) Then we take a picture of them all before they head to bed. :)
Traditions: We open one present Christmas Eve, usually Christmas P.J.'s. We always have a special breakfast for Christmas morning which is served after stockings are opened.
we go to a christmas eve gathering of extended family every year, and then of course the christmas morning stampede the next day. We always open stockings first and let the kids eat candy for breakfast. *gasp*
Opening one gift Christmas eve and the rest on Christmas morning before we do a big breakfast with our extended family. Hard to pick out which one you want to open. Thanks for the giveaway. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com
Ours is my husband's family does the whole present opening thing on Christmas Eve. It eleminates any day of conflict.
One of our family traditions is that my brother and I each recieve a new themed ornament each year - it's a tradition that started when I was born... so I've ammased quite the Christmas angel collection!
This is perfect! haha I would love to enter
a christmas tradition of ours is telling stories. stories about recent things going on in our lives (it's the whole family so it gets kinda crazy) or things that have happened to us before it's so great and there are always new things to hear about our family it's wonderful especially because sometimes we don't get to talk as often --nice to know what's going on in everyone's life :D
lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot]com
Our family tradition is to sit and gouge ourselves on Christmas Eve and watch all of our Christmas movies.
My family and extended family gets together every Christmas eve, it is a wonderful night of singing, food, fun and fellowship.
Everyone comes to our house every Christmas and we spend the whole day eating and visiting and just enjoying being together.
We don't really have a set tradition :) Sometimes we open a present on christmas eve, but even that's not a for sure thing :D
My mother makes a bowl of rice pudding and hides a whole almond in it. The one who gets it wins a prize.
We don't have many traditions yet since we're a young family. But the best one is going out in the woods (yes, the real woods) to find our tree! They always look a bit different when you get them home!!!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com
We always get the kids Christmas PJs that they open on Xmas Eve :D That way they have nice PJs for pictures on Christmas Morning.
Rebecca C
I am a subscriber!
I posted on your advent calender post :D
every xmas morning when the kids get up they open their stockings and then we wait for the rest of the family to come over so we can eat breakfast as an entire family! Awesome Giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win :)
I'd love to win the books!
One of my favorite traditions in the Christmas card/letter picture we take every year. I frame a copy each year and add it to the collection. When we decorate the house this season we will have 28 framed photos of our now-grown-children gracing areas of our home. It becomes a real life scrapbook throughout the house. And everyone looks for their favorite photo each year.
AND I'm subscribing to your blog via bloglines.
You can find me at butlerswife(at)gmail(dot)com
These all look like fine books! This isn't a "Christmas" tradition, but a slightly after Christmas tradition- we hang up our stockings on New Years Eve and Santa makes another trip to fill them up! I'm not entirely sure how this tradition started, but I am usually more excited about NYE stockings than I am about Christmas presents *L*
Our church has two Christmas Eve services, and our family goes to both, as I play the piano for them. We come home, make hot chocolate, and watch A Christmas Carol starring George C. Scott.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
We all open one present Christmas eve
My favorite Christmas tradition has been going on since i was a kid. All the kids get one gift to open on x-mas eve... its always winter-themed pjs. We'd wear the pjs to bed and be in them in all the Christmas photos in the morning.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I love new books, and with a Christmas theme, these look awesome! Our biggest tradition is to have all of us spend the night at my parents house on Christmas Eve. It's getting crowded,as all of the kids are getting bigger, but nothing beats being together for that day.
We all decorate the house together including a wreath on the door garland and of course the Christmas tree.
Until I got married my parents, my brother and I would have a non trsditional meal after church and then we would open all of our presents and go to my grandparents' house on Christmas Day.
We wake up EARLY thanks to my dd, and then while we are waiting for our breakfast casserole to cook, we all sit down together and just open our stockings while having coffee and hot chocolate. Nothing else is done until we eat breakfast.
We all decorate the tree together w/ ornaments we've collected over the years.
we all (18 of us) spend the night at my moms. We eat, play board games, and just laugh!
daniwilliams30 AT gmail DOT com
We all spend the night at my mom and dads wake up early and eat coffee cake while opening stockings before church
dugh..sorry forgot to leave my email address..jhoklittle@yahoo.com
My mom makes roast beef and all the fixings for Christmas dinner. Yummy!
We always play Rudolph Monopoly and sip on hot cocoa :)
WE celebrate Jesus's Birth with a special B-day cake and We sing Happy Birthday! We also make peach french toast! YUMMM-O!!!!!
My favorite Christmas tradition is the "Christmas Feast" we have on Christmas Eve, which consists of everyone's favorite foods. We have everything from beef jerky and cheese-in-a-can to smoked oysters and caviar!
I also subscribed to your blog in my Google reader!
When we are at our own home for Cmas, we go out on Cmas eve and buy a real tree. Everything that goes on it must be real (string real popcorn) or handmade (cut out construction paper heart, etc.).
After Cmas we hang edible things on it (pb pincones) and put it outside for the birds to nibble.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
We always decorate the tree together and take long drives looking at all the beautiful lights! Thank you!!
We love to watch Christmas movies on Christmas Eve.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Our church has caroling on Christmas Eve which is wonderful for spirit of the season and fellowship!
On Christmas Eve we give the boys 1 gift: pajamas and a movie, then we all curl up in our pj's and watch the movie before heading to bed!
karla at endikos.com
On Christmas Day we gather together in Church for a service and then enjoy a meal together!
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