Thursday, July 06, 2006

My new companion

Lookie here at my new best friend!
The MRI I had last week shows that I have a partial tear in my PT tendon of my ankle. So now, except for sleeping and showering, I must wear this lovely air cast. It's not too bad, but I don't know what I'm going to do about driving (right foot). The kids are at their grandparents for a couple of days, I have a major review-writing day planned tomorrow, but I need to get at least two done today. I still have most of my last book--The Brushstroke Legacy by Lauraine Snelling ( a hit or miss author for me)--to read.

My goal for today--clean up my e-mail box, then write up two reviews, then lie on the couch and read my book until Big Brother is on.
Watched Rock Star:Supernova last, brought back a lot of memories about my high school and college days and the rock music I loved then! That's why I love the XM 49 station, all great "later" classic rock songs.

On to try to reach my goals!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

How did you tear your PT tendon?

I know what you mean about the kids being around & getting nothing done. Even though Beth is 17 I still don't get a lot done, especially my Disciple I reading, when she's around. I almost have to put the headphones for the weed wacker on to get her to realize I'm trying to read & don't want to be bothered :(. Either that or I have to "sneak" it in when she's running errands or wait until she's at work. But if she doesn't have to be at work until 5 then Pat gets home by 5:30 & I am working on dinner by that time.