Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ok God! I hear You!

I just want to give thanks to God for bringing the book The Secret Life of Becky Miller into my life. Ok, Ok, I hear You! What a wonderful book, and I'm not even finished with it. It is quite convicting about the balancing act we do as wives and mothers, as well as all of the myriad of things I try to cram into my day.

Wow, did I need to hear this!
If any of you stay at home moms out there want to read this book when I'm finished, drop me a comment and I will send it along. In case there are more than one of you, tell me how you try to be a supermom!


Camy Tang said...

Isn't that a great book??? I love it. I hope you don't mind if I tell Sharon you're liking it? She'll be SO happy.

The Sampler Girl said...

I've put that book on my list to read - glad you liked it so much. I'm looking forward to it now.